Thanks for visiting my website! This will give me an opportunity to let you know what I have to offer as part of your team, as well as how I work.  Teamwork is key to a good working relationship and that means good communication and a clear understanding of how we each work.

Proofing legal transcripts and other legal documents is what I specialize in.  I work primarily with court reporters but am available to do work for other legal professionals. My experience covers several areas of expertise and interest. Most relevant, I believe, is that I spent two years in court reporting school -- but couldn't attain the requisite speed. It was something I really enjoyed and eventually it led me to choosing transcript proofreading as I ended a long career as a real estate broker. 

My goal now is to work in a field I love, using a skill I really enjoy, and helping to make YOUR life less stressful.

I can help you get your jobs out faster so you can be available to take new jobs!

The training I received from the Transcript Proofreading: Theory and Practice program was excellent (certificate #194100), and included English grammar, punctuation, medical and legal terminology.  In addition, there was hands-on experience (3000+ pages) in proofing hearings, EUOs, depositions and court rulings. This course is based on Morson's English Guide for Court Reporters, The Gregg Reference Manual, and Margie Wakeman Wells' Bad Grammar/Good Punctuation for court reporting. And, of course, your preferences will always come first!

For more information regarding the services I offer, my fees, my turnaround times and how best to reach me, please go to my Services page.